Handmade by Emberly Site Plan

Emberly Smith

WDD 130-[section]



My pieces are made to make your life easier and more beautiful! Everything is handcrafted with the purpose to provide for you!


Have you ever bought dishes from the store that only last about a year, and then they’re ready to be replaced? Well, I’ve come with a solution to your problem. I’ve created a website where you can browse, shop, and buy my handmade, unique, kitchen safe dishes. These ceramic pieces are made for everyday use, at a reasonable price so you can have dishes that last a lifetime. On my website you can also learn more about me and my process to create these masterpieces.


Website Logo

Logo image

Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL: https://coolors.co/cb997e-ffe8d6-b7b7a4-6b705c
PrimarySecondaryAccent 1Accent 2


Heading Font: Noto Serif Display

Paragraph Font: Nanum Gothic

Normal paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Colored paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Site Map



Purpose of Emberly Smith's Cermaics

I want people to come to my site to browse and shop my personal work. I want the website to be eye catching and fun to interact with. I want people to come and see my site and be able to understand my personality from how everything is placed. When people go to my website, I feel like their first question will be what my work looks like. That’s why I feel like having a big picture of my work on the home page would be really important. So, when people log onto my website, they can really see what they are first looking for. I think second people will be looking for what I look like. That’s why I really wany my artists statement and my biography to be close or nearby the front page. I think that as they keep looking through my site the next question will be how to see what is for sale and how to buy my products. I think that’s why it’s important for the header of my website to be noticeable and easy to use and understand. I think as activities for my visitors will want to complete is buying my product. I want them to be able to see and understand everything they are getting if they buy something of mine. That’s why I wanted just one page of a photo gallery of my work. I think it will be important for people to really see what I can do and the real quality of my work. Also having an artist statement so the real quality of my work can be represented for my customers. Some information that is necessary to complete any actions my site would be on my part, how to create a buying/ transaction part of the HMTL and CSS. Also how to create those separate links for each product. For my customers some information they will need as they buy product would be how much the specific product costs, what they are buying, and their reason for buying my product. As they develop their reason for buying my product, that’s where my website needs to be engaging and attractive. As people decide to buy something or not they need to be persuaded. I want me site to be different through others because people can’t get my work anywhere else. That’s why it is important for my website to be eye catching and personal. Something people can connect with.

Images for the Home page

Throwing on the Wheel Photo of Emberly Smith

Artist Statement and Biography

My name is Emberly Smith, and I am a ceramic artist! I was born and raised in Gilbert, Arizona and have been surrounded by art my whole life. My grandma was a huge influence on me as I created my art style. I really love expressing my love of art through three-dimensional artwork. I started in ceramics in high school, and now I am currently earing my Bachelors of Art, Emphasis Three-Dimensional with a cluster in graphic Design from Brigham Young University – Idaho. Through my formal training, I have learned many techniques and skills that have made me a better artist. My work is functional and made specifically for you. I really love the thought of having work being personal and sentimental. I really love expressing who art can be more than just a piece of work, it can be a piece of beauty, intelligence, wonder, connection, and functionality. My work can be used in the everyday life, over and over.

Images for the Page 2

Throwing on the Wheel Cups and Tumblers

Process and Questions

The Process My work is made from select clays, included B-Mix, Recycled, and soon to come porcelain and earthenware. Each piece of clay is weighed and hand wedged. Depending on the piece, it can be hand built or hand thrown on the pottery wheel. When something is hand built, it is personally crafted and manipulated to perfection. Some of these pieces include slab boxes, whistles, coil pots, and slab tumblers. When something is thrown on the wheel, it is centered and crafted into perfection for you. After they completely dry they are bisque and glazed. Questions Why Me? I want my work to specifically speak to you, and make it easy for you to connect with something I’ve personally connected to. Why My Work? My work is personally made, made personally for you. I want you to be able to browse and find something that speaks to you. And there is something for everyone! Check out my photo gallery to see some of my special works.

Images for the Page 3

Ceramic Trimmings Drying Ceramic Pieces


Create three wireframes for your site. One for each page and list them here


home page wireframe

About Me

page 2 wireframe

Process and Questions

page 3 wireframe